Sunday, May 27, 2012

Always Wake Up Early...

       I got inspired last week by a speech they played on the radio during the daily morning show I listen to on my way to work. It was not even 7 AM yet, and I sat at the red light, no cars on the road, and I turned up the volume on my radio as I listened to this man giving “life advice”. They somehow made it into a song. Anyway, I found myself moved by it and of course, inspired to write a blog entry and perhaps share with everyone my own version of “life advice.”
       To all of those truly living life, which I certainly hope is are some things to live by. None of them may have any hard evidence, scientific background, or research conducted on them, but I can only share advice on my own experiences. If there was one piece of advice I would give, above all else, it would be to wake up early. Those who are sleeping cannot get anything done, you will have a jump start not only to your day, but you’ll also never run late for work. Don’t be afraid to be emotional or open with others, even strangers, for these people will relate to you and most of all, remember you...and no one wants to be forgotten. Celebrate your successes, but not too much, for not every card you will be dealt will result in a full house. When you fail, admit it, take it in, and write down what the fuck not to do again. Get enough sleep. Save old photographs, because even if you have a great memory, nothing replaces seeing those awkward outfits from high school or the first date you had with the love of your life. Remember your college friends, for they taught you more about yourself than you’ll ever really be able to thank them for. Don’t dwell, whether it’s on the past or the future or the next minute...dwelling occupies your mind when you can be planning an adventure, being creative, or even just cleaning your kitchen counters. Record yourself singing a song you love. Hell, sing in the shower from time to time. There is nothing closer to rocking out Madison Square Garden than singing loudly in your shower as you lather up your luffa. Don’t let a day go by that you don’t tell your significant other that you love them, because one day you’d wish you had told them every passing moment. Let go of grudges and hold tightly to good memories. Pay your bills on time. Don’t watch beauty shows, for they never make you feel good about yourself, and they are as fake as they seem. Instead, look in the mirror and feel confident. Cry during a sad movie, no one is judging you. Wear your heart on your sleeve, just make sure it’s a flattering shirt. Laugh hard, until your stomach hurts. Get drunk with an old friend and make new memories. Never forget where you came from, because without it, you’d never get to where you are going. Sign yourself up for karaoke at a crowded bar. Buy yourself flowers. Congratulate someone on their accomplishments. Generally do right by others, because what they say about karma is true, it can certainly be a bitch. Smile. Old friends may disappear and new ones may come in, but hold on to the few true ones that have stayed present in your life throughout all the changes. Say yes more often, because no’s tend to close doors, decrease opportunity, or leave you wondering ‘what if’. Eat a greasy, fat, cheeseburger and don’t feel guilty afterwards. Read that book you always wanted to read but never made time to. Go to the gym. Tell your family you love them, for they will not always be around. Be nice to strangers, because you never know if they will be a future boss, friend, or a person driving by you as you need help changing your flat tire. Respect other people’s opinions. Follow at least one of your dreams, whether it’s being a parent or being a rock star...pursue it, you’ll thank me later. Drink lots of water, it’s good for your face. Always have extra toilet paper. Be thankful for your heartbreaks, those who decided to betray you have strengthened your skin, made you tough, and helped you appreciate the better things that come along. Wash your face every night. Always carry chap stick, no one likes rough lips, and you never know when you’ll be getting an unexpected smooch. Treat yourself once in a while, I know your bills are a large expense, but fuck it, buy yourself that fancy watch or those pair of heels you’ve been wanting. Moisturize. Remember those you’ve lost, for they left imprints in your heart for a very special reason. Take vitamins. Don’t forget to cut yourself some slack sometimes, you’ve been doing better than you think. Never wear wrinkled clothes, you look messy for christ sake. Own a dog. Eat every type of food you possibly can and improve your palette. Do your laundry once a week. Thank those who are honest with you, because sometimes whether good or bad, it’s nice to hear the truth. Always have napkins or tissues in your car. Strive to inspire others, for they may give you some unexpected inspiration of your own. Never give up on love and happiness. Be supportive of other people’s ambitions. Give good advice to others, some people could really use it. Never go to sleep angry. Be thankful for nostalgia, for remembering how you felt at a certain time in your life or what it was like being at a certain place. Nostalgia is an amazing, beautiful feeling of good memories that signals happiness in your brain...these memories make us grateful for living a good life. Live a good life. But I’m serious about that waking up early gives you more time in the day, and more time to take over the world.


  1. This is a great entry Erika I probably only do half of these things consistently, so I'm gonna try harder to do them all, except some of the girly stuff haha, Slam Dunk!

  2. I really needed to hear this more now than ever. I am going through a bit of a heartbreak. This is inspiring me to not wallow in it, and allow my self to be here and now, and keep making strides. I am going to push myself harder instead of pulling back because I am sad. It is only a sensation. It is not who I am, it is what I feel. I will feel better and things will work itself out. Thank you for your constant words of wisdom. Your an angel! Keep flying, keep sprinkling us with your golden dust, and whoever is blessed enough to receive, will soar. It is selfless and shows what a good person you are to be going out of your way to write in this way. Thank you endlessly sweetheart.
