Friday, November 25, 2011

The Lives We Lead

       So in honor of the fact that Thanksgiving day was yesterday, I got to thinking about what I am thankful for...and not only this year, but in general at this point in my life. After-all, is it not the perfect time to reflect on the things you are grateful to have in your life?

Family is forever.
       Although my family is on the smaller side and somewhat separated after my parents’ divorce years back...I don't know what I'd do without them. Whether you get to see them a lot or you don’t get around to meeting up with them too often...just knowing you have your family there is always a blessing. It is a group of people that will always support you, be there for you, and come running in a time of need. Not only that, but you know they aren't going anywhere. Unlike some other people who are subject to come and go in your life, no matter what, your family will always be there. And I am very thankful to have them and their endless support.
A very significant other.
       Well for any of you who may have read "The Ninth Cloud" entry, than you already know my happiness in this department. I give many a thanks to having the wonderful boyfriend that I do. From the moment we started talking, we just knew...our search for the "perfect one" could finally come to a screeching halt.
       I am truly thankful that we have gone from our first days of dating, to our first kiss, to meeting the parents, to falling in love, to moving into our very own place, to being able to watch our relationship grow and blossom into the beauty that it is today. My boyfriend...I thank you for your constant support of my goals and dreams, for encouraging my talents in music and writing, for your never-ending understanding and forgiveness, and for always giving effort in our relationship, everyday. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, your romance, your intelligence, your patience, and your unconditional love.
       To the person who somehow knows how to put a smile on my face on the worst days, who reminds me not to give up when the tough times come, who truly is my best friend, and who laughs loud with me at 2 in the morning. To the person who respects me, who remembers what I say, who knows what I'm thinking without a word being said, and who has genuinely and beautifully shown me that my traits are appreciated and loved...on this year in particular, I am forever thankful that I will always have you to hold my hand.

We all get by, with a little help from our friends.
       My parents used to always warn me in high school that your friends will "come and go" and only a real good few will remain. I found this to turn out to be very truthful. Not only have friends I used to have for years slowly fade out of my life, but I have had just as many great ones that came shining in. And I am thankful for my friends back home that still keep in touch and never let me forget that they will be there.
       And college was not only one of the greatest times of my life, but I met some of the best people in the world. Not everyone is lucky enough to gain an entire "home away from home" family at college. I am thankful that I did. And although we may not see each other often, I know I can call any of them up and we could pick up right where we left off. Thank you to all my WVU family for making 4 years of my life very amazing, for giving me some of the funniest, craziest, most memorable memories, for teaching me many lessons, and for always making sure I got home safe on a Saturday night.
       I’ve also gained friendships from the most unexpected places, and I am thankful for that too. And although the amount of true and close friends has come to be few. Those few are solid and trustworthy. So to all of my friends, thank you for being there to laugh with me, for staying up late hours listening to my banter, for hearing my problems and caring, for telling me I need to change those shoes I picked out, for reminding me to shut up at times, for cheering me on, for rooting for me, for staying in touch, for all of your support, for being beautiful, for being unique, and for being (and staying) friends with me. :)

Flaws and all.
       I know it sounds weird to be thankful for my flaws, but really, if you think about it, without our would we ever learn? So I am thankful for being flawed (as we ALL are). Without them, I would never grow, I would never learn, and I would never be able to continue to mature in my life. No one is with that being said, let’s embrace our imperfections. They help shape our lives and build our ever-growing character. Also, once in a while it’s nice to remember that we always have opportunities to change, improve our lives, and better ourselves.

A little passion goes a long way.
       I have to say that I am thankful for the passion I have in my hobbies, talents, and goals. I have spend a lot of this year finding myself and realized this blog and my music have been a large part of my life lately. Not only that, but I find a great deal of happiness, accomplishment, and enlightenment in them. I constantly find myself preaching to others to "follow your dreams" or at least keep them in your life. Whatever it is you love to do...make sure you keep doing it, and do it with passion. Everyone has a dream, so be thankful you have one, and even more so...make sure you are passionate about keeping it alive.

The fall-backs and comebacks.
       Our lives are filled with both our fall-backs and failures and our comebacks and successes. Without either, we couldn't truly learn to appreciate the other. Without these experiences, both good and bad, what would shape our lives?
       Let's be thankful for the times we were at our rock bottom and climbed our way back up, for the mistakes that have made us strong and tough and have given us a list of "never agains". And let's be thankful for our successes we have achieved. I am thankful for all of my successes and failures, my fall-backs and comebacks, my rights and my wrongs. Whether it was the right thing or the wrong thing at whatever place and time, I ended up where I am now...and I'll admit, it's a pretty good place to be.

       So be thankful for your family, for your friends, be thankful for your significant other, for your passion and dreams, and for your fall-backs & comebacks. Give thanks....give love to others, give hope, give opportunity, give back, give people a second chance, give effort in your life, give it your all, give it your best...and once and a while, give yourself a break.

       Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. To many more years, many more memories, and many more be thankful for. <3
       For the lives we lead may pass us by, if we don't take a moment to appreciate them.


  1. Thank you for all the things you said my love, i couldnt be happier with our relationship and what we have become in the past year. I want nothing more than to just grow and have my bestfriend at my side. I love you.

  2. Erika! I finally just got around to reading this, and I LOVE it. You are a great writer and this inspires me For my new job where I am obligated to write A weekly blog. If my sister has not already told you, I do not like to write , in fact , I hate it! Lol but reading your stuff really inspired me. You're awesome :) love you

  3. Well said, Erika. I couldn't agree more! Whoever you are, wherever you are, appreciate who you have and what you have in life. Life is short so make the best of it everyday! :-) Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! <3
