Friday, October 28, 2011

The Single Standard

       Before you begin reading, I just want to clarify that I simply felt this topic deserved some "airing out" if you will. This isn't a worldwide plea for women's rights or a sudden announcement that I've become sexist. I just do believe it is time we address this to set the record straight. I usually make it a point to be neutral in my writings, because that is how I am. But I had to (for once) have an entry that reflects the female point of view on some things. I am a female, after-all. So guys here's the deal: You can think I'm being sexist and not get anything from this (which proves you more than likely fall into one of these types described below), you can think "Wow, I'm ahead of the game" in realization that you are not one of these types, & for those of you falling somewhere in the middle...well, than I'll say 'you're welcome' in advance for the heads-up advice on females you are about to receive. 

      So I was overhearing one of my guy friends speak of a bachelor party the other night over dinner and he was asked with enthusiasm "So, did you see strippers or what!?" Although surprisingly, it turned out to just be a fun guys night out with no strippers...this little conversation that I'm sure so many of us have been a part of really got me thinking.
       Guys and girls, yes we are different...but why should our standards be? 

       Let's look at all the things I've come to collect from most guys that is considered "cool", "acceptable", "okay", and given the green light:
Strippers, strip clubs, and bachelor parties
       If a girl partakes in going to see a bunch of guys in banana hammocks swinging their johnsons in their face all night, I'd doubt their boyfriend/fiance/husband would be jumping for joy in his overwhelming excitement. Also, to some people she may even seem classless, dirty, and kind of "wild"? Yeah, go figure. Yet, guys consider this to be totally fine in their arena. Believe it or not, I believe you come off equally as classless. And as far as hiring a stripper for your boy & husband-to-be...way to respect the fact he's devoting himself to the love of his life within the next of couple days. Good job. "Oh, you just HAVE to have G-strings and asses and tits in your face all while being under the influence of massive amounts of alcohol (and God knows what else) before you get married. It's just a MUST." As far as all that crap goes...and the fact that it's looked at as your "last night of freedom" so you have to have trashy hookers in your hotel suite seems juvenile. The days before you're wedding should never be looked at as "your last days of freedom" it should be looked at as the few days before your wedding.
Pictures of half-naked girls all over your walls, computer backgrounds, and cell phones
       First of all, most guys probably don't even know what this means for a girl to do it, because most of us don't. Surprisingly, we  actually don't need to have a constant reminder to anyone else coming into our house, logging into our computer, or using our phone to know we like the opposite sex. I wonder why guys even do that? I doubt you're really sitting in your kitchen whacking off to the picture of the half-naked Bud Light girl hanging above your sink. Do you do it because you think other guys think it's "cool"? Because you SHOULD be more interested in impressing your potential next lady with charm and respect. Any girl who walks in is going to think you're a typical douche & also think you somehow forgot to throw away your old college decor. Two words: Grow up.
Porn, fake boobs, and barbie doll look-a-like fanatics
       This one is going to chap some of your asses but that's what I'm here for. I'm not saying that porn isn't something everyone's dabble with or that some of you do not enjoy. And hey, if you enjoy it together that's one thing. But let me be clear in saying, if you are single and particularly lonely, by no means am I charging you with any crime for doing what you think may help you in the mean time. This section is more for guys who have a woman in their life...aka the REAL thing. What in God's name are you doing? Are you that sex-hungry, typical, and creepy that you just can't bare waiting for your sexy girl to come home and have the real life thing? If so, please remain single and spare us your bullshit..Thanks. Any guy in a relationship who is obsessed with fake boobs and porn-star look a likes please help me understand why you aren't working as a camera guy on set than? Because you serve no purpose in the real world. Any guy who cares more about your boob-size than how you treat him is just as fake as the silicone in Pamela Anderson's chest. These types of guys couldn't have a real, intellectual, in-depth conversation to save their boob-obsessed lives, move on. 
The more people you sleep with, the cooler you are
       This one's the classic argument of girls being sluts if they sleep around & guys getting a congratulatory slap on the back. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you've heard this a million times but I can't leave this one out so deal with it. Plain and simple on this one...Obviously, if you sleep with like 10 people in the same night you're a slut...female or male. If you are single, living your life, and you contribute to the wellness of society with a job and a working brain, you can damn right do whatever you please. Ladies, we shouldn't feel ashamed because we hook up with attractive people. Don't let anyone tell you any different. Funny how if you are "experienced" some look at you as a whore & if you aren't than you're called a prude. Oh how ironic isn't it? Listen, if a guy's got a problem that you've had some sex before or wants to make rude comments about it...tell him that his ego, pride and insecurities will be the death of any future relationship he will ever attempt having.
Commenting on and blatantly looking at other females
       So you're out at a bar and you just LOVE when you're boyfriend or husband turns and stares at the girl's ass who walks by. Or he decides to turn to his friend while you're sitting there right next to him, and say something like "Wow, look at her." Sounds like a tip-top night, right? Wrong. Before any of you jump down my throat, I'm not saying no one is allowed to look or that you're never going to think someone of the opposite sex is attractive blah blah blah. But really? I love the guys who go with the "Oh...well my girl can join in and enjoy it...gibberish gibberish gibberish." I bet most of these guys with this defense are more than likely single and if they aren't, whoever is dating you should do better for herself and find someone who has some more respect for conversation around her. And hey, if you're dating a girl who enjoys that shit than good for you. My advice would be to hold on for dear life because I can assure you most of the normal human race doesn't really appreciate it. And as a heads up, I know the ladies are kinda tired of you drooling over whatever touched-up airbrushed actress, singer, athlete, or model is on TV. You want to do that?...Than don't complain when we take 2 hours getting ready for you. Listen, if you need to constantly check out, drool over, or comment on other girls, please don't DATE one.
       And in the midst of analyzing all of this, it hit me! Since the beginning of time, so many of the guys have brushed all of these things off and slapped a big "No problem, it's okay" sticker on it. And here we are generations later and it seems this is just acceptable and no big deal? The fuck? Ladies, sorry to inform you, but the men have pulled a fast one on us.
       Again, don't kill the messenger. I am just stating the obvious folks. I's my job for this blog. So it's time to do away with the whole "double standard" and all that goes along with it. To the men who prove these double standards wrong, a sincere thank you from us ladies. And for any of you who think it still applies, know this: The standard is now single...and you should be too.


  1. Hey, wow I am sure this has created a bit of a stir in people. I do agree with you though. I believe its unfortunate that there are really 1 in a million men of our generation who are true gentlemen. Society has made them grow up this way, through media, music and the illusion of what is "supposed to be desirable." Eating disorders are more prominent in woman now more than ever! Many women let their man get away with these things because they want the affection have the "if this is how he gives it this is what I'll take" kind of attitude. It is really too bad that things evolved in this way. What ever happened to Frank Sinatra and a dinner date. What about hold the door, wipe the seat, take the coat, carry the bags, get up when we excuse ourselves from the table, the respect! Where did it go? For so long now women let men get away with this that they think its normal. Getting on the subway i see men constantly stealing the 1st seat they can with 4 woman standing around him and not offering to let one of them sit! I could go on forever about this. There are a few out there left but its like they are almost embarrassed to have respect! Once I dated a guy and I had to ASK him to take my coat when we went out to a nice place and he said, "WHAT are you serious? You can't do it yourself? NO!" Then I made him do it and he did it as if he didn't want anyone to see him and was mad about it all night. I don't understand....obviously we are no longer together for many reasons but GROW UP is right! Thank you E I hope some men read this and realize!

  2. Erika... I want to start off first by saying I love you! You certainly weren't kidding when you said this one was a spicy one. As far as my take on this blog entry goes... I agree with you to an extent and also disagree at the same time. I guess you could consider me in that "middle" category you mentioned in your opening. You are absolutely right, there are double standards in this world between men and women. There is no arguing that. Minus the whole section about the more people you sleep with makes you either the man or a whore depending, I feel like there are also a lot of missconceptions about some of these topics. I feel like that explanation and or dicsussion would be best had over a couple drinks or something. If I had to go in right here and now my comment could possibly be longer than your blog entry LOL. Not because I want to bash on the ladies or because I'd throw the guys under the bus... But in most of these scenarios I feel that both parties are to blame and equally guilty on one level or another. I pride myself in being a good guy. You know me well and I would hope that you would vouch for that without the slightest bit of hesitation. But in regards to others, I feel like there is a time and a place for everything and nothing is stronger than communication. Anyway, I'm going to cut it off here before I start hogging up your whole comments section. You know I love you girl! And I definitely hope you take me up on that drink some time to get into this further. Who knows, could open you up to a follow up blog entry ;)

  3. I just read this and I am so proud of you for voicing your thoughts on this subject. There are at least 15 guys that I can think of right off the top of my head who could definitely benefit from reading and seriously considering your thoughts in this blog post.

    Keep doing what you're doing! Love you <3
