Monday, August 29, 2011

What's on your mind?

The other day I began thinking...when did I get a facebook account? And crazy thing is, I honestly couldn’t remember exactly when I signed on to this amazing/evil thing. But hey, if it wasn’t for facebook, we wouldn’t keep in touch with a lot of our college friends, distant family members, busy co-workers, friends of friends, acquaintances, or hell, we wouldn’t be putting stupid comments on our best friends wall even though we’ll see them in 20 minutes.
Our world is now consumed with facebook. We have applications on our iPhones, it’s our landing page for our internet homepage, we sneak it at work, we are on it waiting at the doctor’s office, you’re updating your status as you almost swerve into traffic driving to work, you’re barely listening to the conversation your mother is having with you because you’re too busy scrolling through your friend’s “Drunk Night Out” photo album...What has happened to us?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating on it. Although certain things about it can consume your mind for hours with mind-numbing posts, comments, pictures, events, videos, and random irrelevant status updates...the thing is damn entertaining when you’re bored at times. And hell, how would I promote any of my music or this very blog? So hey, I’m all on board.
But I had a epiphany the other day about this intriguing and sometimes addicting Web site. I realized that facebook can help you weed out people who have WAY too much time on their hands. ‘Have you seen this? Have you heard about this?’
Let me clarify. I’m not talking about people who actually have something useful to post, and perhaps it may be on a frequent basis. If your life is that interesting and eventful than I applaud you, but if you’re updating your status to let us know you’re bored, you picked up your dog at the vet, you bought a new sweatshirt at the mall, or you are currently sneezing up a storm....umm, I think I speak for nearly everyone when I say “We don’t care.” These types of people have way too much time on their hands.
Also, facebook helps you realize not only how much people stalk each other but how purely immature certain people are. I’m not talking about the highschool girls looking up that cute kid in their biology class either, I’m talking about people in their mid 20s acting like they are 15 years old. 
I’ve seen and heard it all...we all have. The creepy 40 year old friend requesting you including a message saying “Nice profile pic ;) “, the stalker ex trying to look up all your photo albums, or the immature poor souls who make it a point to use facebook as a “hater” outlet. And I am bringing this to light because way too many have to encounter these people and it’s about time someone called them out.
I’m not opposed to voicing your opinion and speaking out on this social networking medium, I mean that’s what it is there for. But next time you take the energy, time, and effort to post a status bashing someone, comment sarcastically on someone’s photo because someone you don’t like is in it, or support and “like” someone’s comment that basically displays to everyone that their mind hasn’t passed the 2nd grade...please ask yourself “Who’s looking stupid here?” Because the answer is you.
Not only does it make you seem like you have nothing better or more important to do with your time, but it makes the person who you are commenting about seem very very important to you. You look pathetic, immature, and’s somewhat sad. We feel bad for you, don’t worry.
Let’s try to use facebook and the other sites alike, for positivity, humor, fun, and for good. And yes, the occasional rant, venting session, and pointless remark is more than welcome, but make sure you’re keeping your dignity and your class. Do you really want to display to the entire world that you’re lacking it? I think not.
If you have issues with someone or something, please address it maturely. Unfortunately for you, we graduated high school many years ago now. Basically, if you can’t fix a problem or insecurity you have within yourself, or with the appropriate people in your life...using facebook as a means to alert people that you’re bothered by something, annoyed at something, or upset, makes you seem weak. Do us all a favor (and more so, yourself a favor) and find a way to boost your confidence and address your needs to the right people, instead of making yourself look immature.
To those of you who are receiving the hate, hearing about and seeing the comments...feel happy, feel blessed, and feel important. These people are taking precious time out of their day to do, say, and post something for you, let’s not be rude and show some appreciation shall we?
And to all those stuck in immaturity, don’t you see we are too busy with our careers, dreams, passions, good relationships, family, friends, and lives to be bothered with your nonsense? Hey, don’t forget to look up, because the adult, mature-minded folks up here shall wave down to you from the pedestal that you put us on.

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