Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Ninth Cloud

       It's a bird, it's a plane. . .no, it's me. I have been flying high in the sky lately. Look up and you'll find me.
       There has been a lot of positive changes in my life in the last several months. A little over 2 weeks ago, my boyfriend and I moved in to our very first apartment! The night before the big move, I was putting my procrastination to the test as I sat Indian-style in the center of my room at 10 pm still taping up packed boxes and folding up random clothes. As the clock ticked on, my drawers emptied, and my sleepiness increased, I looked around my room and realized I was actually moving on in my life and I was finally happy.
       My dad stood in my doorway asking me 100 times if I "needed help." I could tell he was a bit sad to see me go. Who am I kidding? He was probably more than a bit sad. But surprisingly, since I even broke the news to my dad, he has not said one negative comment or even had a single reservation about my decision to move out with my boyfriend. No "are you sure?!", no "well, be careful Erika". He legit was just happy for me and spoke positive about it. I truly think that he sees my happiness and he sees the joy in my eyes and he knows it's ok and most importantly, that I am in very good hands.
       So we talked and I packed and at one point or another we finally started loading boxes into all 4 doors of my car. Boxes labeled "winter clothes", "hair stuff", "misc", "shoes", and "more shoes" all were piled high into my backseat and trunk. 
       Once all the boxes were in, I grabbed my dry cleaned Chargers jerseys and Bebe dresses and laid them gently on the tippy top of all the boxes. And with a sigh of relief, I shut my car doors. Walking back toward my front door I clicked 'lock' on my keypad...and with the "beep" noise, I walked back inside to my now emptier room. That night, I slept like a baby.
       The next day I went into work and could not wait to leave (which isn't unusual but even more powerful on this day.) After work, I drove down to my boyfriend's house, helped him load up his car and we began our trip to the new pad with our cars loaded up with things for our new home.
       So you know the drill, we unloaded boxes, we dripped some sweat, we got things together, we unloaded some more boxes and had a living room solely consisting of brown boxes and one fabulous looking couch we purchased.
       So as you may have guessed, a lot was going on with the move. You don't even really realize all the stuff you're really going to have to buy and do until you start the process. Despite large items, like a couch, TV, dining room set, etc. There is an endless list of stuff you will need. Everything from spatulas to cotton balls, household cleaners to bath towels, laundry baskets to extension cords, and trust me, the list can and does go on. But as stressful as it may sound, if it's with the right person it can be a very smooth transition...and actually fun to do.
       And that's the thing, I've never actually wanted to live with someone before. I could hardly stand living with certain people in college! But I will say that I have no reservation, no worry, and no concern about this new chapter in my life. And honestly, my true theory and belief is that I feel this confident because for the first time in my life I absolutely KNOW that I am with the right person for me. 
       Sure, after everything I've been through, I have my little fears...but it's only because I care so much and of course the fact that I've never done this before. And now that I think of it,  I couldn't be more happy that I haven't done this before. I love the fact that this is my first time moving in with someone, and I want nothing more than for it to be my last. <3 
       To find someone who loves you, flaws included, is a very unique and amazing thing. We all have our days, our moments, and our attitudes. If someone can totally understand those things about you and hear you out and never judge you than you should feel blessed. And I sure do.
       I realize that this is a public space, anyone can view it, anyone can read it, and quite frankly that is the appeal of it for me. I didn't start writing this blog to have it be for selected people. So with that being said, there is nothing wrong in celebrating your own successes, accomplishments and happiness! And I'm allowing myself to celebrate mine.
       Not only am I working my full time job and paying my bills, but I have great and supportive friends and family, I'm involved in things I'm passionate about, and I am living and laughing everyday with the best guy I could have ever met. I am finally at this place called "Cloud 9" that people talk about. . . And damn, am I happy to have finally arrived.
       For those of you searching for love or in an unsatisfying not settle. Yes, it is a cliche phrase but so many people do not pay attention to the true value and importance in this statement. You shouldn't be wasting time because life is too short. Don't let anyone tell you that you expect too much or that you have too high of expectations. You very well SHOULD have high expectations because someone worth it will easily fill those expectations. 
       I'll be completely honest in saying that I used to be a person who thought my expectations would never be met and that the qualities I really wanted in someone would never be realistic. And I think many people think in this mind set. We look back on our failed relationships and our tug of wars, and look at ourselves and think "God, I don't know if I'll ever find the right person." At one time I was one of these people and my boyfriend proved me wrong. And quite frankly, I think he also had that fear and I proved him wrong as well. I've never been so happy to be proven wrong.
       So my point is this...don't settle. Believe it or not, there IS someone who will be everything you had hoped. Someone who will stand up for you, who will understand you when you're being quiet, who will cheer you up when you had a bad day, who will actually listen to you whine. Someone who will know what to text you to make you smile, who will put you FIRST, who will actually give effort...everyday. Someone who will find you funny and laugh at all your jokes, who will leave you hearts on your facebook wall, who will take pictures with you, and someone who will look you in the eyes and tell you how they feel about you. Someone who will tell you your outfit looks great, who is romantic, who cares, and will let you control the TV remote. Someone who will wash the dishes after you cook a meal...without being asked to, who will remember things you say, and who when they say "I'm sorry" they mean it. Someone who knows when you're mad and will try to make it better, who will give you the last bite of their sandwich, and who will let you take their car to work when yours needs fixing. Someone who holds your hand, who gives you credit, and who supports all your journeys you want to embark on. Someone who will cook for you and enjoy it, who will lift with you at the gym, and who will let you play Call of Duty for 3 hours completely uninterrupted. Someone who does your laundry just to save you the trouble, who kisses you goodnight, who nods as you go on about your favorite football team, and who lets you pick out the movie as you stand in front of the RedBox at Walgreens. Someone who appreciates your quirks, loves you despite your flaws, trusts you, and is honest, trustworthy, and dependable. 
        Seems like a lot to ask for? Absolutely NOT. This is what we all very well deserve and than some. This is what anyone would want, so why settle for less? Don't.
       I am lucky enough to have all of those things and I'll never take it for granted. Once you find it, once you have that perfect "plus one", you too can be on Cloud 9.
       Celebrate your successes, be happy about your accomplishments and milestones in your life, be passionate, love the ones you care about...and remember, do not settle.
       So yeah, we just moved into our first apartment. Our location you ask? A little place people like to call Cloud 9. And let me tell you...the view from up here is unbelievable.


  1. First off let me congratulate you on your big step in life...things like this can be nerve racking for the first time. Just a part of life you know. Now youre ready to take it to the next level. No need to worry, it's all a learning experience. Nothing goes as planned. The world would be a perfect place if that was the case hahahah. Glad you found someone that takes good care of you. Nobody is perfect ya know. Its all about taking the good with the bad. You have to be willing to deal with the worst of that person as well as the best of them. Wish you the best cuz. ~Michael~

  2. This is so beautiful. I feel full of warmth in my heart for you and your boyfriend when I read this. The beginning with your father made me cry, because it reminded me of my own realization of moving on in life. I appreciate you sharing in such exquisite detail the experience you have had. You are a true artist, it really just pours out of you in an organic way. 9 is also my favorite number, so this meant a lot to me. I haven't thought of the "Cloud 9" phrase in a long time. Keep at it beautiful! You deserve nothing more than someone to be there for you as much as your there for them. xxo
