Monday, May 9, 2011

Just Dive In

       The water looks calm, it’s relatively sunny out, and there is an amazing gift, first-place prize, best thing thats ever happened to you...waiting on the other side of this water. But you have no idea what creatures are lurking underneath or what they feed on, you don’t know how warm or cold the water will be, and you are certain you know how to swim, but last time you did you reached a point that you choked on water, barely could stay afloat, and nearly drowned to your death.....Would you take the plunge?
       I know not everyone may have a complex mind. Some people just go through the motions, not noticing too much, and can remain unstimulated by virtually everything. While others can think very deep into life’s big things and even it’s very minimal stuff. These people can analyze how a napkin sits in its holder, how the guy in the fedora at the next table at the coffee shop holds his morning brew (a double expresso with cream), and how many times the woman with the high-pitched voice in the next cubicle at the office has answered her phone in the last half hour.
       These people are very observant. They remember every word you said, they remember how you’re facial expression was last time you were telling them a funny story, they remember what shirt you had on when you came to pick them up for dinner, and they remember how raspy your voice sounded as you said goodnight to each other on the phone.
       This doesn’t seem to be a bad characteristic, trait, or skill to have...especially if you wanted to be a CIA agent or join your local police force. But in all seriousness, it can be a truly unique and amazing thing to have in your back pocket. 
       Unfortunately, this deep thinking, oddly amazing ability to remember things and true gift of analyzation....can be both a blessing and a curse. You can begin observing and analyzing your mind that is observing and analyzing, and things can get a little sticky. 
       In my experience with relationships, hearing my friends discuss theirs (yes, guys too), and in researching this very topic for this blog entry...I’ve concluded that some of us are 
allowing this trait to sometimes overcome ourselves and take hold of the reigns. Have we created a monster?
       When you are in serious relationship with someone and you are swimming in a sea of pure happiness, there may be a point that you reach where you look at yourself and you suddenly realize that your heart, your feelings, and your care...are no longer fully your own. You suddenly realize that you have taken your heart out, polished it up so it looks pretty, and put it on a silver platter with a bow on it and gladly handed it over to your special someone. Although this is a memorable and positive moment...for anyone who has been hurt in the past, or anyone who has this complex mind I speak of...this memorable, positive moment, can also be a bit scary. 
       And I honestly couldn’t pin-point the exact cause of this nervousness that people feel at that point. Sure, we can blame the ex-boyfriend for never valuing our ability to communicate, or blame the ex-girlfriend who never fully appreciated anything nice you did for her, and all the scars we all have from our past train wrecks. Or we can point the finger at all of our insecurities, whether it be with your physical attributes, your body image, your personality, your bad jokes or bad hair days, your lack of knowledge about a certain topic or lack of money, your family problems or your math problem solving. But can we really blame one thing? Is it a mixture? Or more it just us?
       I’d like to think there are reasonings behind this type of thing. And there more than likely are. Of course, we all love to say don’t let the past mold the present or the future. But hey, we can be completely moved on, happy and content with our current situation, and just be completely not in control of the fact that perhaps we might be a bit nervous. Nervous of someone seeing every tiny part of us inside and out, perhaps seeing ALL of our colors, and maybe not liking it. Nervous of getting hurt. And let me just let you all know. It’s okay! It is okay to be nervous about getting hurt. Shit, you just gave away the most valuable organ of your entire body and gave them the complete ability to either make it pump stronger and better than ever, or smash it into a million pieces....a reason to be a bit nervous, I’d say. 
       It perhaps is the riskiest part of a relationship. You plunge head first into something that is subject to change and does not come with a “Life-Time Warranty” sticker slapped on it. There is no relationship insurance, no back-up policy, no coverage. You are on your own. 
       Anyone who really, truly, deeply, cares about someone, is going to have a feeling here and there of worry...the worry of losing it.  Because most of us have lost something we cared about before, whether it be a relationship, a person, even your old dog from when you were little. And we know we don’t want to feel that ever again. So how do we stop our complex minds from over-analyzing it, observing a bit too closely, and drowning ourselves in our own mental pool? 
       Unfortunately, there is no cure. Although usually just a phase, this will just take some time and work on our personal growth. We have to just cut ourselves a break and realize that some people ARE good and will do right by you, and some people will love us for everything we are. Be confident in knowing that someone will love you for all your good and greatness, your hugs, your kisses, your ability to communicate, your appreciation, your laugh, your beauty...along with all your flaws, your bad hair days, your bad jokes, your hissy fits, your emotional times of the month, and they will truly obtain an appreciation for your unique, complex mind.
       Feelings, emotions, worries, nerves, anxiousness, possibilities, situations, anticipations, expectations, desires, wants, needs....ugh, it can all just be so much sometimes can’t it? But despite the complexity, not only of our minds, but of life, there is a place of simplicity. And thank God that there is. And the funny thing is, it’s usually that same relationship that brings you this simplicity, this happiness, and this wave of calm.
       Let’s not let our minds get the best of us. Sometimes you just have to ride the wave and confide in the fact that your experiences, knowledge, and trust in someone has brought you right to the place where you should be. Allow yourself to be okay with maybe getting hurt. Because maybe this one time, you won't be. Disappointment, hurt feelings, and broken hearts will be a possibility of nearly everything in life. So don’t let it take away even one minute of your happiness with someone. Especially someone amazing, someone who fought for you, and someone who has really exceeded all of your expectations and then some. If they were worthy enough to obtain your not-easily-accessed heart, if you had a huge smile on your face when you gave it to them after all you’ve been through...that should mean something right? ...Bottom line, they earned it.
       So if you’re at the waterway and on the other side is the possibility of even more happiness and greater things...without a doubt, take the plunge. Put on your best bathing suit and strap on some goggles. Leave the worry on the floor, take a few steps forward, take the deepest breathe in you’ve ever taken, one that makes your chest expand...and jump full force in. Because deep down you should know, if anything bad were to happen to you, if you ever needed help, if you needed someone to guard your life...they will be there to save you. 
       Sometimes you just have to dive in without knowing how deep shit is...


  1. great outlook/perspective on things.
    You're right...sometimes we need to stop analyzing and take certain situations for what it's worth and give it a shot, regardless of what may have happened in the past.
    Every new opportunity deserves a fresh I agree, leave your worries behind and give it all that you've got.

  2. So well written and such a great perspective on life. You are an amazing writer! Keep it up! xoxoxo

  3. I really love this writing! Great job, it is so true on every level even farther than relationships. Its anything that takes your hearts commitment without a guarantee. Deep shit- your one of those people, so am I! Thats why we'll go far....XO inspired because I must say I run from relationships on the constant!

  4. Erika your writing really does amaze me sometimes. you take some of the simplest as well as the most complex things that seem to be on everyones minds and are able to break them down so well. this was a great post and certainly applies to all. this is going to sound kind of lame, but this reminds me of a fortune cookie i read recently. it said "only one who attempts the absurd can achieve the impossible". keep em coming Erika, and we'll keep on reading!!
